When you are ready to deal with a fully professional team,
armed with the best equipment and set up in the industry – give us a call.
Our Pricing will sell the job. Our quality and service will keep bringing you back.

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Our team will check all of your specifications before we ever start your job to ensure we know
exactly what it will take to make it happen. For a quick look, check our D-I-Y calculators here.



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Jackrabbit Steel Products, Inc.
9009 Jackrabbit Road, Houston, TX 77095

281-550-4551  •  281-550-4557 (fax)  •  Info@JackrabbitSteel.com

Jackrabbit Steel Products, Inc.  •  9009 Jackrabbit Road  •  Houston, TX 77095

281-550-4551  •  281-550-4557 (fax)  •  Info@JackrabbitSteel.com

We form, cut, fabricate, bevel, machine, and
finish heavy steel for onshore and offshore energy, manufacturing, mining, and construction industries.

© 2014 Jackrabbit Steel Products, Inc.